Series of the Illustrated Masterpieces

Series of the Illustrated Masterpieces


Retreating Figure by Zhu Ziqing

Zhu Ziqing was a renowned Chinese poet and essayist. He was a prolific writer of both prose and poetry, but is best known for essays like "Retreating Figure" (Beiying), and "You. Me." (Ni wo,). His best known work in verse is the long poem: Huimie (Destruction).This book collected 34 pieces essays from Zhu Ziqing's masterpieces.

Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk, Call to arms by Lu Xun

Lu Xun, Considered by many to be the founder of modern Chinese

By Masters of Chinese Contemporary Literature literature. He was a short story writer, editor, translator, critic, essayist and

◆ISBN 978-7-5406-6157-1
◆appr. 200 Pages each
◆appr. 30 RMB each

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